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Thanks for visiting and being interested

in what I do.

Please feel free to contact me for more information, critique and purchase of works - if you see something you like, let me know...artists need the validation!

If you are a gallery that wishes to represent me, lets talk.

Enjoy the work.




Granny's Footsteps

Granny's Footsteps (2020) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil, ink on stretched canvas. 410 x 510mm

Shootgunshootgun (2020) Acrylic, wax pencil on stretched canvas NFS

I'm scared of the dark (2019) Acrylic, wax pencil on stretched canvas $1,800

Me Too (2018) SOLD and is now a part of the Rotorua Museum Public Collection Acrylic and wax pencil on canvas. 502 x 502 mm

Sitting Pretty (2017) SOLD to private collectorAcrylic, wax pencil on canvas 595 X 795mm

I was lost (2020) Acrylic, wax pencil on stretched canvas Available at The Artists Room, Dunedin

I wasn't lost (2020) Acrylic, wax pencil on stretched canvas Available at The Artists Room, Dunedin

VENETTA MILES ART AWARD - Ethel MacMillan prize WINNER 2018. Tauranga Art Gallery - Toi Tauranga Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas. 915 x 1430 mm $1,800

Double Dare you (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 530 X 910mm

It must have been a lie (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic and wax pencil on canvas 530 X 910mm

WTF, Never ever ever have I (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas

I'm the greatest, not for longest (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas. 720 x 915 mm

Handstands commence (2017) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas. 835 x 855 mm

We use cups and saucers and say grace at our house. (2018) Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas. 1830 x 1800 $3,500

Birthday (2017) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas. 1830 x 1800 mm (wxh)

You could be anyone (2017) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, screen print and wax pencil on canvas 1800 x 1390 mm

Brian (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic and wax pencil on canvas 300 x 300 mm

Wait a minute (2020) Acrylic, wax pencil on stretched canvas 255 x 305mm $350

Untitled (study for Girlfriends) (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 400 X 400mm

Injury (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 205 x 255mm

Spot (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 205 x 255mm

Goldf*sh (2018) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 205 x 255mm

My friend Hohera,1980 (2018) SOLD to a private collector. Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas 715 x 905 mm

We used to laugh a lot at Tui, 1980 (2018) Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas 835 x 855 mm $800

Geordy stole the king hat (2018) Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas 995 x 1160 mm $1,200

The waiting game (2017) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on unstretched canvas. 835 x 855 mm

Blow (2017) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 240 x 330 mm $150

Skip (2017) Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas. 240 x 330 mm $150

Clap (2017) Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 240 x 330 mm $150

Hop (2017) Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 240 x 330 mm $150

Throw (2017) SOLD to private collector Acrylic, wax pencil on canvas 240 x 330 mm $150



Lynette Fisher


is a Tauranga based creative practitioner and part time academic staff member at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, teaching on the Bach. Creative Industries degree.
Her art practice ranges from printmaking, drawing, assemblage and painting, all of which have featured in solo and group shows around New Zealand. Her work is held in public and private collections.
She works in the space between drawing and painting, dry-brush and wax pencil works on canvas evoking memories of blackboards or schoolhouse slates. A mostly monochrome palette is indicative of her style - where colour is used it is subtle and sparse.
Lynette’s recurrent themes investigate  our innate humaness - appropriating existing imagery and re-placing it in awkward, misplaced and reimagined worlds. There is an underlying sense of nostalgia and tension between past and present where space, time and identity are separated.
Lynette works from her studio in Te Puna, where works can be viewed by appointment.


I am what I play (2018).

The concepts in this body of work investigate the hierarchies constructed on the playground. The intricate rules connected to our childhood games are mirrored as we become ‘the grown-ups’.

“Who’s it?!" Who decides which child becomes the goody or the baddie? The small battles we entered into on the school field are repackaged back to when all we wanted was to be older - after all, the grown ups got to do all of the cool stuff, and seemed to have no rules to follow.

Little rituals (2017).

This work is part of a series that investigates the rituals surrounding play. The hierarchies, rules and intricacies constructed on the playground are unpicked and re-imagined, sometimes sitting uncomfortably alongside the learned behavior passed from our parents.

The persistence of tradition (2016).

The concepts in this body of work surround the ideologies of cultural objects and their association with memory and identity. Recognizable iconography is reinterpreted, and explores the notions of ‘handed down’ family artefacts and their continuing importance in our histories




Lynette Mary Fisher. Bach. Creative Industries ( b. 1971- )

is a multi-disciplinary artist from Tauranga, New Zealand.

Academic Staff member, Bach. Creative Industries Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology 2018 - Current

Creative Development co-ordinator, The Incubator Creative Hub, Tauranga 2018 - 2020

Manager Gallery 59, 9th Avenue Tauranga 2011-2014


Rotorua Museum Art Award. MERIT. 'Me Too (2019)' acquired and held in the Rotorua Museum public collection.

La Petit Mort. Selected group show. Wallace Gallery, Morrinsville

111 Group Show. The People's Gallery - toi ka rere, Tauranga


110 Group show. The People's Gallery - toi ka rere, Tauranga

IAMWHATIPLAY Solo exhibition. The Incubator Gallery, Tauranga

Venetta Miles Art Awards. Tauranga Art Gallery, Tauranga. Ethel MacMillan Award - WINNER 'My Friend Awhina' (1980)

Whakaranu (Mix) Toi Ohomai Staff exhibition. Group show. Zeus Gallery, Tauranga.

All In 3. Selected group show. Wallace Gallery, Morrinsville.

Antimatter 18. Group show. The People's Gallery - toi ka rere, Tauranga


Top woman graduate. Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

Pivot Year 3 BCI graduate exhibition. Group show. Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, Tauranga.
Tightrope contemporary drawing exhibition. Group show. BSA Gallery, Auckland
All In 2. Selected group show. Wallace Gallery, Morrinsville
First Impressions III print awards. Mairangi Bay Arts Centre, Auckland - FINALIST
Parkin Drawing Prize. NZ Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington - FINALIST
Rotorua Museum Art Award. Howard Morrison Events Centre, Rotorua - FINALIST
Mix. Group show. Toi Ohomai, Windemere Campus, Tauranga.

Use the Ugly. Group show. Creative Bay of Plenty, Tauranga.

The House of Cards. Group show. The Incubator Gallery, Tauranga.
Foot Traffic. Tauranga CBD installation, Tauranga Arts Festival.
New Works - New Walls. Group show. Zeus Gallery, Tauranga.

Blink. Pushinguppixels collective group show. Blur eyecare, Tauranga.
It's not the size that counts. Group show. Zeus Gallery, Tauranga.

Molly Morpeth Canaday Award - FINALIST

The Midnight Circus. Group show. Gallery 59, Tauranga.
Group show. The Artists Room Fine Art Gallery, Dunedin.
Local Talent. Group show. Zeus Gallery, Tauranga.

Venetta Miles Art Awards. Tauranga Art Gallery, Tauranga - FINALIST

Venetta Miles Art Awards. Tauranga Art Gallery, Tauranga - Emerging Artist - WINNER


There's a paintbrush in my pinot. Debbie Tipuna, Lynette Fisher. Fisher Brown Gallery, Tauranga

Adam Portrait Award. New Zealand Portrait Gallery, Wellington - FINALIST


There's a paintbrush in my tiara. Debbie Tipuna, Lynette Fisher. Harrisons Gallery, Tauranga


Little Rituals – ISBN 9780473418939

The People’s Gallery : toi ka rere handbook  – ISBN 9780473433154

The Persistence of Tradition – (PDF) ISBN 9780473401207

La Petit Mort - ISBN 9780473501105


The Dear Boobs Project - Book frontispiece design

Tauranga Zinefest - co-developer

Grim Tales - contributing illustrator



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